How to Prevent Grass from Turning Brown & Dormant During the Summer

water your lawn in the late fall time in Minnesota

How to Prevent Grass from Turning Brown & Dormant During the Summer

Summer is normally when our lawns look their very best, so it can be very disappointing to have your grass turn brown and go dormant. Lawns in Minnesota can turn brown for a few different reasons, including drought, excess heat, diseases, pest infestations, and chemical trespass. While some of these issues require more attention than others, performing basic lawn maintenance on a regular basis will generally keep your grass green and healthy throughout the summer.

Lawn Maintenance to Keep Grass Green

The easiest and most effective way to prevent your lawn from going dormant is to water it on a regular basis. Try to water your lawn two to three times per week during the summer, aiming for a total of about 1.5 inches of water in the soil per week. It’s generally best to water early in the morning, since the heat of the afternoon sun will evaporate water much more quickly, while getting your grass wet right before dark can leave it susceptible to fungal diseases.

If your grass seems to be turning brown despite being watered sufficiently, the issue may come down to a lack of key soil nutrients. Conduct a soil test to make sure your grass is being fed enough potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorus. Fertilizing your lawn can correct any insufficiencies your soil test reveals. Another good idea is to aerate your lawn to make sure enough water and air is getting down to the grass roots. Consider aerating before adding fertilizer to help all of those valuable nutrients get into your grass as soon as possible.

In the event that your grass is turning brown because of lawn pests or disease, you’ll need to take measures to end the infestation before it worsens. Each spring, apply pre-emergent weed control products to your lawn to prevent weeds from sprouting and out-competing your grass for nutrients. If you see signs of pest activity or disease during summer, you may need to research which treatments are best to get rid of your problem.

Work with a Twin Cities Lawn Care Crew to Maintain a Healthy Lawn

Do you want to make sure your beautiful green lawn never turns brown and loses its curb appeal this summer? Get in touch with Alex’s Lawn & Turf today if you’d like us to provide lawn care services in the Twin Cities metro area!

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