Fall Yard Cleanup Checklist: Top 5 Steps!

yearly fall yard cleanup services

There’s nothing like living in the great state of Minnesota and experiencing all four seasons to their fullest. Winter has its beautiful snowfalls, Spring brings rain and warming temperatures, Summer includes hot lake days and then Fall brings stunning colors and cooling temperatures. 

However, as the autumn season passes, the days get colder and the leaves begin to fall in masses covering your entire yard. This can create an issue since you still need to finish your last lawn mowing and yard maintenance tasks – or do you?  Is yearly fall yard cleanup a must-do? 


Importance of Fall Yard Cleanup

mowing your lawn in the fall timeFall clean-ups are vital if you want a healthy lawn in the spring! With the leaves covering the grass, this creates a barrier between the grass and the life-giving sunlight along with providing opportunity for disease and bugs to ravage your lawn. Since bugs are attracted to moisture, they will naturally find their way beneath the leaves and will then lay their eggs. 

As the leaves remain on your grass, each day that passes puts your luscious lawn at an increased risk of becoming damaged. Whether the damage comes from bugs, rodents, or a lack of sunlight, it can make your springtime lawn patchy and unhealthy.

Instead of allowing your immaculate lawn, that took so much effort to upkeep, to die, it’s important to perform yearly yard cleanup and maintenance during the fall. To make sure you complete the right tasks, here is a list of 5 of the top steps to complete when performing your lawn cleanup.

1. Pick Up Leaves

A thick layer of leaves actually blocks out the light and air, smothering your lawn. The leave can also be a place where rodents and bugs make their dwellings.

get rid of dandelions before winter2. Get Rid Of Weeds

In order to have the best lawn possible in the coming springtime, it’s important to get rid of all weeds in your lawn before the winter season comes.

3. Mow Your Lawn

If your lawn is too long going into the cold winter months, it may trap in excess moisture and develop diseases. This isn’t fun to deal with in the spring as you’re hoping your grass grows in perfectly.

4. Aerate Your Lawn

By aerating your lawn, you’re allowing air to reach the roots of your grass along with water in order to improve nutrient flow. This will help your lawn grow more thick and lush in the spring.

5. Fertilize Your Lawn

Using fertilizer after aerating is a great way to strengthen your lawn before the cold winter months hit. This will have your lawn looking beautiful and thick in the following spring.

We all want a beautiful lawn to enjoy in the spring, so we must do these important steps in the fall. Though it may take some effort to complete these tasks, it will pay off in the spring and summer when your lawn is the best looking one on the block!


If you’re looking for a high quality fall cleanup service performed at your home in the greater Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN area, contact the lawn professionals at Alex’s Lawn & Turf today! We’re more than happy to speak with you about how we can make your lawn the envy of the entire neighborhood. Give us a call today at 651-274-1444.

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